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Re: source code security

[late response ]

> I'm curious to know if there is any way for anyone to look at the source code
> for cgi-scripts if the code lies in a /cgi-bin directory

> if (assuming you're using NCSA's httpd) you define DocumentRoot
> to be, say, /docdir, then define something like
>   ScriptAlias /schmoe/cgi-bin /docdir/cgi-bin/schmoe

> (defining a "cgi-aware" directory under the DocumentRoot hierarchy) you leave
> yourself open to snoopers who can access the URL 
>   http://server.machine/schmoe/cgi-bin
> and get a listing of the directory's contents (assuming indexing is on)

First: you can define the cgi-dir using the real name - then you don't leave
that hole. 
Next I suggest to do the development in a separate dir and setting symbolic
links to that dir (don't forget to set the option FollowLinks (?) in .htaccess)

read you later  -  Holger Reif